1963 Kannada Movies List
An young soldier/ rebellion and the princess fall in love.
A 1963 movie by B Vitthalacharya Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, M Leelavathi, T N Balakrishna, E V Saroja, Uday kumar, M N Lakshmi Devi War, Historical, Drama, Adventure, Action
When everyone in the family cares for each other it becomes a sweet closely knit home (Honecomb)
A 1963 movie by Y R Swamy Actors & Actresses: K S Ashwath, Uday kumar, Pandari Bai, Raja shankar, T N Balakrishna, T R Narasimha Raju Family
Educated women are women too, education does not change women negatively
A 1963 movie by N C Rajan Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, M Leelavathi, Adavani Lakshmidevi, R Nagendra Rao Family, Drama
A film starring Dr Rajkumar directed by Vittal
A 1963 movie by M R Vittal Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, Uday kumar, K S Ashwath, Harini, M Leelavathi, Sorat Ashwath Family
Story of the life of great saint Tukaram of Maharashtra
A 1963 movie by Sundara Rao Nadakarni Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, M Leelavathi, Uday kumar, Pandari Bai, K S Ashwath, T N Balakrishna Religious, Philosophical, Historical, Drama, Biography
Lord Rama and his devotee Hanuman fight each other for the sake of the righteousness
A 1963 movie by M S Nayak Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, Uday kumar, Adavani Lakshmidevi, Pandari Bai, K S Ashwath, Dikki Madhava Rao Mythology, Religious, Drama
An youngman born into a hunter's clan when touched by divinity becomes a true sage
A 1963 movie by C S Rao Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, M Leelavathi, Kantha Rao, P Rajasulochana, T R Narasimha Raju, Urvasi Sharada Mythology, Religious, Philosophical, Historical
Wife who has won the heart of her husband
A 1963 movie by K R Seetarama Sastry Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, M Leelavathi, Uday kumar, M Jayashree, K S Ashwath, Indira devi Family, Drama
Whatever comes yours way is the nectar to you, accept it joyfully
A 1963 movie by M B Ganesh Singh (B.A) Actors & Actresses: Dikki Madhava Rao, Prathima devi, Saraswathi Family, Drama
A brother and sister fall in Love with another brother-sister pair
A 1963 movie by B R Panthulu Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, Raja shankar, T R Narasimha Raju, Kalpana, Sahukar Janaki, B Ramadevi Family, Drama, Comedy, Action
Female lead character is Daughter of a Lawyer
A 1963 movie by G V Iyer Actors & Actresses: Kalyan Kumar, Uday kumar, B Vijayalakshmi, T N Balakrishna Drama
A film by R N Rao for his son Sudarshan
A 1963 movie by R Nagendra Rao Actors & Actresses: R N Sudarshan, K S Ashwath, Harini, Rajani, R Nagendra Rao Family, Drama
A bitter sweet story of a normal Indian life
A 1963 movie by C P Jambulingam Actors & Actresses: Uday kumar, Raja shankar, M Leelavathi, H Ramachandra Shastry Family, Drama
Two orphan siblings, a boy and a girl get separated from the Rishi's ashram. they meet again when they are adults
A 1963 movie by N S Verma Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, Uday kumar, KrishnaKumari, Raja shankar, T R Narasimha Raju, Rajashree White and Black, Drama, Action
Story is built around the character Gowri
A 1963 movie by S K A Chari Actors & Actresses: Sahukar Janaki, Dr Rajkumar, Sandhya, M N Lakshmi Devi, K S Ashwath, Kumari Suma Family, Drama
Waves of Life take the boat to unknown shores
A 1963 movie by G Bangar Raj Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, M Leelavathi, Adavani Lakshmidevi, K S Ashwath, Dikki Madhava Rao, Raja shankar Family, Drama
A beautiful generous woman
A 1963 movie by J D Thotan Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, M Leelavathi, Raja shankar, Sahukar Janaki, B Ramadevi, T N Balakrishna Family, Drama
Story of a bride to be married
A 1963 movie by T V Singh Thakur Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, M Leelavathi, T N Balakrishna, M Jayashree, T R Narasimha Raju, Papamma Family, Drama
Malli, finally gets married
A 1963 movie by G R Nathan Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, Sahukar Janaki, Uday kumar, M Leelavathi, Raja shankar, Meenakumari Family, Drama
A devoted wife's strength is extraordinary
A 1963 movie by Kanagal Prabhakara Shastry Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, M V Rajamma, K S Ashwath, Sahukar Janaki, B Raghavendra rao, Ram kumar Family, Drama
A film by Y v Rao
A 1963 movie by Yaragudipati Varada Rao Family