1954 Kannada Movies List
Story of a devotee (of hunter's clan) of Lord Shiva. A simple minded devotee but a true one.
A 1954 movie by H L N Simha Actors & Actresses: G V Iyer, Narayana, Mani Iyer, A V Subba Rao, Dr Rajkumar, Pandari Bai White and Black, Religious, Drama
Story of the Fort of Jaladurga in Raichur. Based on the French adventure novel Count of Monte Cristo
A 1954 movie by Kemparaj Urs Actors & Actresses: Kemparaj Urs, KrishnaKumari, B R Panthulu, Jayalakshmi, M A Ganapathi Bhat War, Mystery, Historical, Action
Story of an actor
A 1954 movie by C V Raju Actors & Actresses: Kalyan Kumar, M Jayashree, Vidya, Sandhya, G. Goggu Drama
a film where around the character of a demi-goddess
A 1954 movie by G R Rao Actors & Actresses: Indu Shekar, Sahukar Janaki, T N Balakrishna Mythology, Fantasy
Story of the wedding of an young girl
A 1954 movie by B Vitthalacharya Actors & Actresses: Indu Shekar, Harini, T N Balakrishna Family, Drama
A comedy story of a successful person.
A 1954 movie by D Shankar Singh Actors & Actresses: Harini, T N Balakrishna, Prathima devi, T R Narasimha Raju, M S Madhava Rao Family, Drama, Comedy
A film directed by Shankar Singh
A 1954 movie by D Shankar Singh Actors & Actresses: Hunsur Krishnamurthy, Harini, Prathima devi, Sampath, Revathi Family, Drama
A film by B. Vittalacharya
A 1954 movie by B Vitthalacharya Actors & Actresses: Sampath, Revathi, U Mahabala rao Family