Kannada ' devotee' Movies List
Story of Saint Timma Nayaka, famously known as Kanaka Dasa.
A 1960 movie by Y R Swamy Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, KrishnaKumari, Uday kumar, M N Lakshmi Devi, T R Narasimha Raju, B Hanumanthachar Religious, Historical |
Sage Kabir who taught people the love of God. A movie based on his life
A 1962 movie by P Srinivas Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, KrishnaKumari, Uday kumar, T N Balakrishna, M N Lakshmi Devi, Kuchala Kumari Religious, Drama, Biography |
Story of a devotee (of hunter's clan) of Lord Shiva. A simple minded devotee but a true one.
A 1954 movie by H L N Simha Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, Pandari Bai, B Sharada, P Rajasulochana, G V Iyer, T R Narasimha Raju White and Black, Religious, Drama |
Story of a devotee of Lord Vishnu (Hari)
A 1956 movie by T V Singh Thakur Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, Pandari Bai, T R Narasimha Raju, Mynavathi, G V Iyer, H Ramachandra Shastry Mythology, Religious |
Shabari a devotee of Lord Rama finally meets him.
A 1960 movie by Chitrapu Narayana Murthy Actors & Actresses: Nagesh, Pandari Bai Mythology, Religious |
Story of the King Harishchandra who lived a truthful life and was tested with many difficulties by life and finally was given the title 'Satya Harishchandra' by the Gurus
A 1943 movie by R Nagendra Rao, A T Krishnaswamy Actors & Actresses: M. V. Subbaiah Naidu, R Nagendra Rao, Lakshmi Bai, G V Krishnamurthy Rao, M G Mari Rao, Kamalabai Mythology, White and Black, Philosophical, Historical, Drama |
Story of Nambiyakka, a devotee of Lord Shiva
A 1955 movie by D Shankar Singh Actors & Actresses: K S Ashwath, Prathima devi, S V Rajendra Singh Babu Religious, Drama |
Story of a devotee named Vijaya
A 1956 movie by Aruru Pattabhi Actors & Actresses: Dr Rajkumar, Mynavathi, Pandari Bai, B Hanumanthachar, B Ramadevi, Dikki Madhava Rao Family, Drama |
Story of Markandeya a devotee of the Lord
A 1956 movie by B S Ranga Actors & Actresses: R Nagendra Rao, T R Narasimha Raju, Dikki Madhava Rao, Chi Sadashivaiah, Chittor V. Nagaiah, Comedian Guggu Mythology, Religious |
Story of child devotee Prahlada, A movie starring Subbaiah Naidu, Udaykumar, K. S. Ashwath, Lokesh, Leelavathi, and Lakshmibai.
A 1958 movie by M. V. Subbaiah Naidu, H S Krishnaswamy Actors & Actresses: M. V. Subbaiah Naidu, Lokesh, Uday kumar, K S Ashwath, M Leelavathi, Lakshmi Bai Mythology, White and Black, Fantasy |
Basaveshwara- Lamp of the world. Story of Basava who tried to unite people under one God, one religion.
A 1959 movie by T V Singh Thakur Actors & Actresses: Honnappa Bhagavathar, Dr Rajkumar, Sandhya, T R Narasimha Raju, K S Ashwath, B Saroja Devi Historical, Drama, Biography |
Story of a devotee of Lord Shiva- Mallikarjuna
A 1955 movie by C V Raju Actors & Actresses: G V Iyer, Pandari Bai, T N Balakrishna, T R Narasimha Raju, K Amaranath Religious, Drama |
Story of the saint Nambiyakka, this is the second movie on Nambiyakka in the same year.
A 1955 movie by P Neelakantan Actors & Actresses: B R Panthulu, M V Rajamma, Dikki Madhava Rao, Revathi Religious, Drama |
An ideal devotional man whose life was in service of Saints
A 1980 movie by Hunsur Krishnamurthy Actors & Actresses: Lokesh, K S Ashwath, Thoogudeepa Srinivas, Sundar Krishna Urs, Musuri Krishnamurthy, Shakti Prasad Religious, Drama |