Sathya Harishchandra
(ಸತ್ಯ ಹರಿಶ್ಚಂದ್ರ)
12th April 1965- Philosophical, Religious, Mythology
8.6/10, 11 Votes
Story of the great King Harishchandra from the Indian mythology. King loses his kingdom, wealth, wife, son for the sake of truth.
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Movie Details [ Top ⇑] Movie Name | Sathya Harishchandra | Original Language Name | ಸತ್ಯ ಹರಿಶ್ಚಂದ್ರ | Alternative Names | Sathya Harischandra , | English Translation | Truthful Harishchandra | Year | 1965 | Release Date | 12th April 1965 | Languages | Kannada | Storyline | Story of the great King Harishchandra from the Indian mythology. King loses his kingdom, wealth, wife, son for the sake of truth. | Story Summary | The Gods decide to test the truthfulness of king Harischandra, eventually the King loses his kingdom, wealth, wife, son for the sake of truth. Even amidst difficulties he doesn't err. When the sages and gods see that the king is truly a great man of truth, they give him back his kingdom, wife and son. | Run Time | 163 Mins |
Movie Crew [ Top ⇑] Songs [ Top ⇑] Interesting Facts and Trivia [ Top ⇑] - 3rd indian and 1st south indian movie to be digitally colored
- Kannada version of the movie was a huge hit, the telugu version did not do too well at the box office
- Received the best kannada film award for the year 1965
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