Mahakshatriya Movie Poster


(ಮಹಾ ಕ್ಷತ್ರಿಯ)
27th May 1994- Action
  0/10, 0 Votes

The story revolves around a young man who is short tempered but good at heart. He's in prison for committing a murder. The prison officer helps him in becoming a good man by doing good deeds.

Movie Cast

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Movie Details

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Movie NameMahakshatriya
Original Language Nameಮಹಾ ಕ್ಷತ್ರಿಯ
English TranslationGreat Warrior
Release Date27th May 1994
Languages Kannada
StorylineThe story revolves around a young man who is short tempered but good at heart. He's in prison for committing a murder. The prison officer helps him in becoming a good man by doing good deeds.

Movie Crew

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