Dhoop Chhaon Movie Poster

Dhoop Chhaon

(धूप छाँव)
1935- Drama, White and Black
  0/10, 0 Votes

Dhoop Chhaon is a 1935 Hindi movie directed by Nitin Bose. It was a remake of the Bengali film Bhagya Chakra. Dhoop Chhaon was the first Hindi film to use playback singing.
Director: Nitin Bose
Keywords: Social

Movie Cast

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Pahadi Sanyal Pahadi SanyalDeepak
Umasashi UmasashiRupkumari
Sardar Akhtar Sardar AkhtarStage kallo ki ma
Bikram Kapoor Bikram KapoorHiralal
Krishna Chandra Dey Krishna Chandra DeySurdas
Kidar Nath Sharma Kidar Nath SharmaAssistant manager
Trilok Kapoor Trilok KapoorSatyavan
Shyam Laha Shyam LahaDetective
Devbala DevbalaMeera's mother
Nawab NawabManager
Biswanath Bhaduri Biswanath BhaduriShyamlal
Vikram Kapoor Vikram KapoorHiralal
Ajmat Bibi Ajmat BibiKallo ki ma
Indu Mukherjee Indu MukherjeeDetective
Nagendra Bala Nagendra BalaMaid servant
Ahi Sanyal Ahi SanyalBad singer

Movie Details

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Movie NameDhoop Chhaon
Original Language Nameधूप छाँव
Release Date1935
Languages Hindi
StorylineDhoop Chhaon is a 1935 Hindi movie directed by Nitin Bose. It was a remake of the Bengali film Bhagya Chakra. Dhoop Chhaon was the first Hindi film to use playback singing.
Story SummaryIt was Bose who came up with the idea of playback singing. He discussed with music director Raichand Boral and Bose's brother Mukul Bose, who was the sound recordist in New Theatres, implemented the idea
Run Time125 Mins

Movie Crew

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Writer (story)Pandit Sudarshan
Writer (Screenplay)Nitin Bose
Music DirectorPankaj Mullik, Raichand Boral
Production CompanyNew Theatres Ltd
Writer (Lyrics)Pandit Sudarshan

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