Alibaba Aur Chalis Chor Movie Poster

Alibaba Aur Chalis Chor

(अलीबाबा मैं और चालीस चोर)
1932- Action, Adventure, Fantasy, White and Black
  0/10, 0 Votes

This very popular Arabian tales describes how the life of honest Ali Baba and his greedy elder brother Kasem changed when they met forty thieves in a forest.
Director: J.J. Madan
Keywords: Forest, gangster

Movie Cast

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Movie Details

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Movie NameAlibaba Aur Chalis Chor
Original Language Nameअलीबाबा मैं और चालीस चोर
Alternative NamesAlibaba And Forty Thieves ,
English TranslationAlibaba And Forty Thieves
Release Date1932
Languages Hindi
StorylineThis very popular Arabian tales describes how the life of honest Ali Baba and his greedy elder brother Kasem changed when they met forty thieves in a forest.
Story SummaryAli Baba his elder brother Qasim and mother were very poor and strive hard for livelihood. One day Alibaba saw that 40 thieves were carrying treasures bags in the cave and while entering the door opened with some magical words. Alibaba learn that and he used the magical words and enters in the cave

Movie Crew

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Production CompanyMadan Theatres Ltd

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