Latha Hegde

Latha Hegde

Date Of Birth27 May 1993
Age31 years 10 months 1 days
Place Of BirthSirsi, Karnataka
Zodiac Signgemini
Hair colorBlack
Eye colorBlack
Mother TongueKannada
Wiki Page
Debut MoviesTuntari(2016)(Telugu) , Oh Andha Naatkal(2016)(Tamil) , Geleyana Gelathi(2017)(Kannada)
Education (Graduation)International marketing & management at the University of Auckland
Facebook Profile
HobbySinging, Dancing, Reading, Workout
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Latha Hegde is film actress who works mainly in Kannada, Telugu and Tamil films

Latha Hegde: Photos, Pictures

(All Latha Hegde Photos)
Latha hegde
Latha hegde
Latha hegde
Latha hegde
Latha hegde
Latha hegde
Latha hegde
Latha hegde

Interesting Facts and Trivia

[Top ⇑]
  1. She was born in Sirsi, Karnataka, brought up in Auckland, New Zealand

  2. Her family moved to Auckland when she was just 6 years old.

  3. She was declared Miss personality at Miss India New Zealand in 2014

  4. While in Auckland she worked with SAFE, an animal protection organization

  5. Latha could understand Telugu a bit initially because of her mother tongue Kannada and is said to ave picked up Telugu quickly in the sets

  6. The producers of the Telugu movie Tuntari found her online through a casting website

  7. Latha is a Vegetarian and is an animal activist.

  8. Latha's father is an Engineer and her mother is a teacher

Latha Hegde: Filmography (1)

List By:
2016 Tuntari[Actress]