Aseem Ahmed Abbasi Movies List
A 2013 movie by Aditya Datt Actors & Actresses: Paresh Rawal, Rajeev Khandelwal, Tina Desai, Dhruv Ganesh, Asheesh Kapur, Hanif Hilal Thriller, Mystery, Horror |
A 1935 movie by B. Narayan Rao Actors & Actresses: Rose, Ghulam Hussein, Raj kumari, Mustafa, Ali Mir Kumar, Master Gama White and Black, Action |
A 1934 movie by Sorabji Kerawala Actors & Actresses: Mahajbin, Mehmud din, Sushila, Sorabji Kerawala, C. Panthaki, Aseem Ahmed Abbasi White and Black |
A 1932 movie by J.J. Madan Actors & Actresses: Patience Cooper, Leela, Laxmi, Aseem Ahmed Abbasi, Shaila, Mukhtar Begum White and Black |
A 1932 movie by J.J. Madan Actors & Actresses: Khurshid Begum, Vithaldas Panchotia, Mukhtar Begum, Dhannubhai, Vilayat Hussain, Aseem Ahmed Abbasi White and Black, Religious |
A 1930 movie by Haribhai Desai Actors & Actresses: Zebunisa, Master Bachchu, Zunzharrao Pawar, Aseem Ahmed Abbasi, Baburao Sansare White and Black, Silent |