2006 Tulu Movies List

Suddha Movie Poster It is the story of modern India - of changing caste equations and a realization of this reality among the land owning class, albeit a bit late.
A 2006 movie by Ramchandra P N
Actors & Actresses: Gopal Marnad, Sharada devi, Jagatpal Jain, Bharathi Jain, Narayan Nandalike, Asha Marnad
Kadala Mage Movie Poster Karna from the fishermen's community, is a hardworking and courageous young man, who feels the pulse of the people around him and fights for their rights
A 2006 movie by Praveen Jain
Actors & Actresses: Kumar Mallur, Rajesh Bantwal, Bhojaraj Vamanjur, Ila Vitla, Saritha Jain, Diganth