Devi Devayani Movie Poster

Devi Devayani

1931- Drama, War, White and Black, Mythology
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The plight of Devayani caught in a love-triangle between Kacha and Yayati.
Director: Chandulal Shah
Keywords: Love, love-triangle

Movie Cast

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Gohar Mamajiwala Gohar MamajiwalaDevayani
Kamalabai Gokhale Kamalabai GokhaleSharmistha
Dinshaw Billimoria Dinshaw BillimoriaYayati
Bhagwan Dada Bhagwan DadaKacha
Keki Adajania Keki AdajaniaShukracharya
Baburao Sansare Baburao SansareLord Indra
Baba Vyas Baba VyasBrihaspati
Thatte ThatteVrisha Parva

Movie Details

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Movie NameDevi Devayani
English TranslationThe Goddess Devayani
Release Date1931
Languages Hindi
StorylineThe plight of Devayani caught in a love-triangle between Kacha and Yayati.
Story SummaryA cosmic battle between gods and demons reaches stalemate when the sage Shukracharya (Adajania) instantly restores every fallen demon to life. The god Indra (Baburao), on advice from Brahaspati (Vyas), sends Kacha (Bhagwandas) to the sage to learn his magic secret. Shukracharya's daughter, Devayani (Gohar) likes Kacha and the latter is accepted as the sage's disciple.
Run Time150 Mins

Movie Crew

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Writer (Screenplay)Narayan Prasad Betaab
Production CompanyRanjit Movietone

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