Suddha Movie Poster


2006- Drama
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It is the story of modern India - of changing caste equations and a realization of this reality among the land owning class, albeit a bit late.
Director: Ramchandra P N

Movie Cast

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Movie Details

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Movie NameSuddha
English TranslationThe Cleansing Rites
Release Date2006
Languages Tulu
StorylineIt is the story of modern India - of changing caste equations and a realization of this reality among the land owning class, albeit a bit late.
Story SummarySuddha depicts the death of the feudal system that existed among the Tulu speaking community in coastal Karnataka for many years, and the impact of The Land Ceiling Act which was ushered during the sixties and seventies, had on its social structure
Run Time105 Mins
Movie BudgetINR 1500000

Movie Crew

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Writer (story)Narayan Nandalike
Writer (Screenplay)Ramchandra P N
ProducerRamchandra P N, Mohan Marnad, Surendra Kumar
Executive ProducerSurendra Kumar
Production CompanySonk Films
CinematographySameer Mahajan
Writer (Dialogue)Mohan Marnad
Film EditingRamchandra P N
Production ManagerRamesh Shetty
sound editorAmrit Pritam Dutta, Boby John
AudiographerSantosh Kumar

Interesting Facts and Trivia

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  1. The film is an adaptation of the Tulu Sahitya Academy award winning Tulu play called Bojja written by Mumbai-based playwright, Narayana Nandalike
  2. The first ever Tulu language film shot on the digital format.

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